How is data security is handled in iCare? (Addressing HECVAT and HIPAA concerns)
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Levels of Security
There are several levels of data security management in iCare.
- Server-Side Security: Click here for details.
- Application-Level Security:
- User Roles and Permissions. Click here for details.
- Privacy Policy management within family accounts: Click here for details.
- Sharing contact info with Cohort Parents: See the sharing flag in the above Privacy Policy feature.
The Technology Stack
iCare is built on the Microsoft Internet Information Service (IIS) platform and its closely related technologies. These are:
- The IIS server
- SSL transport layer
- AWS (Amazon Web Services) application hosting environment
- MS SQL Server database platform
- AWS SMS and SES services for email and texting
- Cloudinary, which piggybacks on AWS, for handling photos
- AWS storage media for backups
- MS .Net development environment with MVC architecture
- Apple App Store and Android Play Store
- Global Payments for payment processing and PCI compliance