How parents can set privacy rights to secondary contact in iCare?

Posted on: 9/6/2018 3:22:26 AM
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The Main contact has the right to set the privileges for accessing photos, journals, and chat communication for secondary contacts. To enable Privacy, log in to your iCare using the parent(main contact) credential and follow these simple instructions.

Note: When the primary contact/admin shares the rights with the secondary contact, the secondary contact can view only the child's details, but can't edit the child's or adult's details.

1. Navigate to your child’s profile page. Near each secondary contact, you can see the privacy icon by clicking on this icon which opens the privacy flag.

NOTE: All privacy flags are OFF by default.

2. Turn the 'Allow Secondary Contacts to see my family data' flags ON which give access rights to particular secondary contact to see their child data. Click Save to finish.

3. In a similar way, you can turn ON/OFF the flag. The green color shield indicates child information is shared with that secondary contact. The empty shield means child information is not shared with that secondary contact.


Flag 1: Allow secondary contacts to see family data - When the flag is ON, selected Secondary contacts will be able to access the Child profile, their own Ledger, and Main contact’s Ledger.When the main contact logins in, they will be able to see only their ledger, not secondary contacts.

Flag 2: Select secondary contacts to share your child’s journal with - When this flag is ON, selected secondary contacts will be able to access the child’s Journal.

Flag 3: Select secondary contacts to share your child’s photos with - When this flag is ON, selected secondary contacts will be able to access the photos in which the child is tagged.

Flag 4: Select secondary contacts to let them chat with teachers - When this flag is ON, selected secondary contacts will be able to chat with the child’s teacher.

Flag 5: Share my contact info with the parent in my child group - When the Flag is ON, parents of other children from the child’s room will be able to view your email ID and phone numbers from the Classroom Contacts List Report.

Note: A list of the contact details of parents who turned the Flag 5 ON, will be available in iCare Report Center under the Children tab.

4. In a similar way, you can give access privileges to other secondary contacts.









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