If I enter 3 year old rooms and 4 year old rooms that are full time. how do I then enter the same rooms part time. I entered them but I need them to designate part time or hourly under the "room" title. Under rooms they just show up as another 3 or 4 year old room. I put it in description but when assigning rooms need to see more.
Replied by : support@icaresoftware.com
Dear User,
3-year and 4-year old rooms are age-based rooms and part-time and full-time are the Programs under each room.
For this,
- You may create one room (say, 3-year old) and create two Programs (3-year Part-time & 3-year Full-time) under this room (3-year old).
- Set the capacity of the Room (say, 50) equal to the sum of the capacities of part-time (25) and full-time programs (25).
If you think this answer does not resolve your query please feel free to write back to us here or at support@icaresoftware.com
Click here or below link to see see the help article on creating Program and Classes in iCare,
iCare Support