How can I see the live teacher-child ratio at any given time. (Please add a custom report).
Dear User,
Use the Add Custom Report feature to view the live teacher-child ratio. Copy & paste the following query in the Custom Report pop-up and click Test/Run Query link to view/export the output;
;with finalData as( select * from(select isnull(RoomName,'Not-specified') as RoomName,'Child' as type,'CCount' as Childtype,isnull(count(distinct,0) as ChildCount,rs.LegislatedRatio
from po_roomstructure rs
inner join cr_child_room crm on rs.RoomId=crm.RoomId
inner join pa_Attendance pa on and ischild=1
where convert (varchar(10),,101)=convert (varchar(10),getdate(),101)
group by roomname,LegislatedRatio
select isnull(RoomName,'Not-specified') as RoomName,'Staff' as type,'SCount' as Childtype,isnull(count(distinct,0) as ChildCount,rs.LegislatedRatio
from po_roomstructure rs
inner join sr_Staff_HireDischarge hd on rs.RoomId=hd.RoomId
inner join pa_Attendance pacopy on and ischild=0
where convert (varchar(10),,101)=convert (varchar(10),getdate(),101)
group by roomname,LegislatedRatio) table1
PIVOT (sum([ChildCount]) FOR [Type] IN (Child,Staff)) AS p)
select RoomName as 'Room', isnull(LegislatedRatio,0) as 'Required Ratio', isnull(suM(Cast(Staff as INT) ),0) as 'Staff Count', isnull(suM(Cast(Child as INT) ),0) as 'Child Count', case when (convert(varchar(max), isnull(sum(Staff),0.00))='0' and convert(varchar(max), isnull(sum(child),0.00))!='0') then 'N/A' when ( convert(varchar(max), isnuLL(sum(child),0.00))='0' and convert(varchar(max), isnull(sum(Staff),0.00))='0') then '0.00' else isnull(convert(varchar(max), convert(decimal(18,2),COnvert (decimal(18,2),sum(child))/convert(decimal(18,2),sum(Staff)))),0.00) end as 'Live Ratio' from finalData group by roomname,LegislatedRatio
Click here to see the help article on using Custom Reports feature.
Please free to contact us here or at for any questions or suggestions.
Thank you,
iCare Support