If a family has overpaid and would like to be reimbursed, how do I log that in the ledger without messing up their year-end statement?
Replied by : support@icaresoftware.com
You can enter a refund through the Balance Offset Payment method too. This video shows how to do it using this method.
Replied by : support@icaresoftware.com
Dear user,
This should be processed as a refund instead of a credit. In the ledger, both a refund and the credit have the same effect. However, a refund shows in the Payment Report but credit doesn't. The Yearly Tax Statement for the parent is based on the Payment Report. So, if the parent is reimbursed as credit, then the Yearly Statement will be wrong.
We have refunds for credit cards and ACH and were working on refunds by check and cash, will update you shortly.
To know about the refund process see this article.
with regards,
Team iCare.