GETTING STARTED GUIDE: What is the chat feature in iCare?
Parents, staff, and administrators can communicate easily. Here’s how the chat works:
1. Parents can chat with both teachers and administrators or directly with the admin.
2. Teacher/Staff can chat with another teacher/staff or parent one to one.
3. Admin can chat with parents or to the parents and staff where chat between admin and parent is accessible to the staff.
How to use chat option?
In Browser-
Log in to the iCare, in the left panel you will get the chat option.
In App-
Log in to the iCare app, chat option can be seen under the action and activities tab.
New chat notification-
When you receive a new chat notification, a ballon with number of new chats is shown at chat option.
Can secondary contact access the chat?
If the main contact has given the rights to secondary contacts to access the chats then only they can. To know more how to provide rights to secondary contact, click on the link below: