1. Is there a way to add signature boxes for parents to electronically sign forms i.e. allergy information or when printing a form, the parent can sign it. 2. Can static text fields be added to these forms i.e. allergy form. This would be text we would type i.e disclaimers. 3. For required fields names, can you make it so that the field can access spaces and numbers. It's hard for the parents to read it without spaces i.e. I made a field called ReactionToAllergy1. It may be confusing for parents to read.
Replied by : support@icaresoftware.com
Dear User,
- e-Sign Documents: Our engineering team is researching and analyzing this for development and we hope to add the e-Sign feature in iCare soon. In the meantime, we suggest you to follow this work around for the same. You may use the Electronic Documents (Parents to fill and upload the form) section on Child Profile page for this purpose. Click here or below link to see the help article on using Electronic Documents to get filled and signed documents from parents.
- Yes, you may use static fields to these forms. When adding the custom field, declare it as a text field.
- Yes, this has been reported to the technical support team and is being escalated for development. We will keep you informed of our progress.
We really appreciate your time and patience. Please feel free to contact us here or at support@icaresoftware.com for any suggestions.
Thank you,
iCare Support