How to set permissions or levels of access in iCare?
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Managing the levels of access for your staff in iCare is very easy. There are two types of administrators in iCare,
- Center Admin: - has admin rights of all sites.
- Site Admin: - has admin rights of one site that they are assigned to.
Center Admin
- Admin who is listed under Settings >> Step-1 is the Center Admin. Center Admin is assigned to the Corporate Site (ID -99), and thus, has the ability to choose other sites from the site selection menu in profile drop-down.
NOTE: Staffs other than Center Admin, will see their site data only. Site selection menu will not be visible to such staffs.
Site Admin
To make a staff Site Admin, navigate to their profile page and,
- Turn the Is Admin flag On and select the site you wish to make them the admin for from the Site drop-down under Hiring info. Staff will become admin of the selected site and will be able to see the selected site data.