Release Note - Version 2.2

Posted on: 3/18/2019 8:05:53 AM
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Admin Role


  1. Program/Class Sessions: have been introduced to help you manage multiple sessions under one program. All sessions under one program can have different capacity, schedule start/end date, schedule timing, and default bills.
  2. Attendance for 24-hours operational centers: will now be able to mark attendance for 24-hours also. An attendance marked at 6:00 AM today can be checked out till 6:00 AM tomorrow.
  3. Alerts & Notifications: for absentees, incomplete immunizations, renewal of medical records, required documents, and late payment fee have been introduced in this application update.
  4. Update Room Assignment: feature on Step-2 >> Settings page have been modified. Site selection drop-down has been introduced and rooms in the From Room and To Room are populated according to the selected site.
  5. Live Teacher-Child Ratio: has been introduced on the Attendance and Drop-in page. It shows the ratio of the number of teachers and children present in each room. 18-735
  6. Immunization Details report: has been modified for a better usability. Report can be filtered for Next Due Dates using the Next Due Date filter. For incomplete immunizations that have past Next due Dates, the date appears in red color representing a missed shot. 
  7. Emergency Cards report: has been modified to enhance the usability. Allergies have been added to the report along with the medical information.
  8. Program/Class index page has been modified. Age Range column has been added to ease out the enrollment process. See Details section (on hover) has been added to the grid to let you see the schedule and billing details of the selected program/class.
  9. Staff Payroll report: is modified for better usability. Page break after each staff’s attendance records have been introduced.
  10. Lobby Answers report: has been modified to enhance the usability of the report.
  11. Journal: Default Curriculum Templates have been added on the Curriculum Setup page. You may now select default templates and assign them to various programs/classes. These templates can be added to the children activity list from the Activities section.
  12. Grade History: Auto-complete feature has been added in the Grades section of the Journal module. Now, you may fill the grade values from the list of suggestions that are populated as per usage.
  13. Parent Login: experience has been enhanced. Now, on logging in to their account, parents are redirected to the Child Profile rather than the children list which makes it easier to view child’s information.
  14. Yearly Tax statement: has been modified. Email Statement button is added in the report using which you may email the tax statement to the selected payers.
  15. Billing Grid: was also enhanced. Schedule column has been added to the report which makes it easier to view the scheduled days of the children to be billed.
  16. Billing Draft: Site column has been added which shows the site id for which the bill is being processed. Date & Site columns are now editable.
  17. Declined Payment receipts: have been introduced with this application update.
  18. Reconciliation of attendance-based billing on adding/editing entries has been introduced. Reconciliation of the billing on voiding charges against attendance is been developed and will be implemented with the next application update.
  19. Recurring payments flag to control the re-running of recurring payments has been added on Step-6 >> Settings page.
  20. An option to remove master PPH (Prepaid Hours) Packages was added in the PPH Setup pop-up on Drop-in page.

Bug Fixes:


  1. Default billing day and date for all accounts have been updated to Friday for Weekly bills and 2 days before next scheduled date for Monthly bills. This setup is available on Settings >> Step-6 >> iCare Billing Rules.
  2. On making a successful payment, the site id of the transactions was not updating correctly.
  3. Few inactive accounts were showing unexpected Running Balance. All account ledgers have been revised.
  4. Reset Password feature is now working fine.
  5. Receipts for recurring payments were not forwarding to the admin’s email.


  1. Accessing children profiles for a few user accounts was giving an exception handle error.
  2. Name columns in Children report were not following the correct naming conventions.


  1. Total hours in the print preview of the attendance report for multiple attendance entries for a day was not being calculated correctly.
  2. Staff attendance was not appearing for today’s filter on Attendance page.


  1. Deleting Prepaid Packages was not possible. Now, an option has been added in the PPH Setup pop-up to remove master packages.
  2. Number of checked-in children were not appearing correctly in the selection panel on Drop-in page
  3. Editing or updating attendance entries form Attendance page was giving an unexpected error.


  1. Adding negative amount to create creditable bills on the Billing Grid page were not accepting the minus sign.
  2. Payment receipts for declined or approved payments were not forwarding to the Center Emails. Now, for a payment a copy of the receipt is shared with the Center Email as well.
  3. Due to a small bug in the day ending process, attendance-based bills were not posting and the Is Billed flag for such entries was updating to Yes.
  4. Bugs in the Recalculate Balance feature were resolved.
  5. For a few user accounts, Next Billing Dates of Weekly (Fixed) bills were updating but no charges were posting.
  6. When adding a $ sign with the Amount in the Billing Grid the entry was saving the amount in incorrect format.
  7. Subsidy payments were not processing from the Balances page for a few user accounts.
  8. Editing and saving transaction entries on Transactions page was giving an unexpected error.


  1. Daily Reports for Journal summary were not forwarding to the parents.


  1. Future active children were not appearing in the chat panel and sending chat messages to these children was giving an unexpected error.
  2. Uploading attachments in the chat box was giving an error.

Report Center

  1. Payment Listing report was not showing the correct Site IDs.
  2. Filtering check entries from accounting reports was not filtering the data correctly due to the issue in the dates. We have added a new field, Payment (Ledger) Date in the Payment Form which will make it easier to filter the data.
  3. Attendance reports were not showing inactive staff data even when they had attendance for the filtered dates.
  4. Print preview (Crystal View) of a few secondary reports in iCare report Center was opening blank.
  5. Voided charges were appearing in the Yearly Tax Statement report.
  6. Staff Payroll Report was showing the data in incorrect format.
  7. Naming convention and filtering of the Mailing Labels report have been fixed.
  8. Attendance entries marked from the Attendance page were not appearing in the Time Clock Data with Signatures report. 


Teacher Role


  1. Staff/Children filter was enhanced for teachers. Now, filtering for Programs/Classes (P/Cs) using this filter will populate the P/C drop-down with the programs and classes that are applicable for the logged in staff.

Bug Fixes:

  1. When posting a journal activity to a child, it was duplicating to all registered children.


Parent Role


  1. Parent Login: experience has been enhanced. Now, on logging in to your account, parents are redirected to the Child Profile rather than the children list which makes it easier to view child’s information.

Bug Fixes:

  1. No major bug fixes.


iCare Lobby


  1. 24-hours attendance system is now introduced in iCare Lobby. Attendance entries that are not checked out from the previous day will appear in the Lobby until 24-hours from the check-in time ends.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Lobby messages issues have been resolved where Acknowledge button was not responding.
  2. Acknowledge button was not updating the message status for parent login in iCare Lobby.
  3. Logging in to the lobby using Bus Passwords was showing multiple entries for each child.

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