Release Note: (Version - 1.9.0)
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Release Note Version – 1.9.0
(January, 2018 – March, 2018)
Admin Role
- All new iCare website has been introduced to enhance user-experience and provide the visitors with a content-rich platform to know more about the features of iCare application.
- Bus Line Management has been introduced. You may add/edit Buses with Lobby Passwords (LPs) from Child Profile page under Enrollment details. Bus drivers may use this LP to log in and check-in/out children.
- Waiting List has been introduced using this, parents may wait-list their children for future scheduling through online registration process.
- Naming Convention has been enhanced, all names are in the following format; [Last Name] [Comma] [Space] [First Name]
- Contact Cards Report has been introduced in Report Center, to help you issue Lobby Passwords (LPs) to contacts of the children.
- The user-interface of Immunizations & Medical Fields have been enhanced. You may now customize the fields and create new sections with all new design.
- Admin Notes has been introduced exclusively for the Administrators of the iCare application. Create notes, upload documents for children/staff on their Profile Pages.
- Lobby Password column has been introduced on the Staff listing page. LPs for staff appear in this column.
- Adding a new transaction entry on Transactions page has been modified. While adding a new transaction entry, the Type drop-down displays Charges/Credits and Account Name drop-down displays the Revenue Accounts.
- Email Invoice/Payment Receipt/Statement to the payers from the Transactions page using Action menu.
- Transfer Transaction function has been introduced in the Action menu of Transactions page. Selected transaction entries can be transferred to another payer account using this function.
- In Report Center, yearly filter has been introduced for Yearly Tax Statement Report under Accounting section.
- Multiple admins may view the Billing Draft at a time. And, if the charges are posted by one admin then the other admin will get a validation message that the charges have already been posted.
- Journal module has been enhanced. Three tabs have been added namely, Activities, Curriculum, and Grades. Keep a track of children activities under Activities Tab, setup a group of activities under Curriculum, and create assessment sheets for parents under Grades.
- Print Receipt of a payment/refund has been modified. Receipts are now compatible with 3” printers.
Bug Fixes
- Information summary on all pages is now displaying correct data.
- Deleted Rooms were appearing under Age-based Room drop-down on Programs/Classes and Child Profile page. Rooms are now appearing fine.
- Remove Schedule icon in Schedules widget-box on Programs/Classes and Child Profile page was not giving a correct validation message. Now, you may not remove the schedules of children who have bills posted on their Ledger without removing the bills.
- Payment Confirmation Receipts for Cash/Check payments were displaying incorrect Transaction IDs and the payment entries were also appearing in incorrect format.
- Site IDs appeared to be incorrect for a few accounts. Now, the IDs appear fine.
- Login interface on the new website was not responding.
- On Single Payment Form (SPF), the Select Child drop-down was displaying deleted and inactive children also. Now, only active children appear in the drop-down.
- On selecting a child and clicking the make payment icon, the selected child was not appearing by default in the Select Child field on SPF. Now, the selected child only appears on the Select Child field.
- Emailing Payment Confirmation Receipts to subsidy accounts was not delivering the receipts. Emails are now delivering instantly.
- Make Payment icon on Children page was not responding. Payments are now processing fine.
Child Profile Page
- Show Voided button on Child Profile Ledger to view voided transactions was displaying Credit entries also. Now, voided entries only appear on using Show Voided button.
- Multiple charges were posting on Child Ledger for a few payer accounts. The issue has been resolved.
- Adding a new attendance entry using Add New button was allowing entries with same check-in and check-out time. This has been restricted and now, children/staff can be checked out with a minimum 2 minutes gap between the Check-in and Check-out time.
- On editing an attendance entry, Site ID was not editable. Site IDs are now editable.
- Period filter was displaying attendance data in incorrect format. Now, the filtered attendance entries appear correctly in the grid.
- Balances
- Payer’s email address was not appearing in the Payment Confirmation receipt. Email addresses are now displaying correctly.
- When the Single Payment Form (SPF) appears again after making a successful payment, Payable Amount field in the SPF was displaying the amount in incorrect format.
- Add Charges or Credits function under Action menu was not responding.
- Advanced Filter was not responding on filtering for more than one column (Group Filtering).
- Balances page was giving an unexpected error in iCare Sandbox.
- Print preview of the Balances grid was not displaying correct number of entries.
- Transactions
- Refund feature was not responding for a few user accounts. Refunds are now processing accurately.
- Refund entries were not displaying correct amount in the grid. Now, the refund amount appears in the Payments column within parenthesis.
- Design issue in the ACH tab of Refund From has been resolved.
- Credit entries were not appearing in correct format. Credits are now displaying correctly in the grid.
- Voided or refunded transaction entries cannot be edited, cloned, or deleted. You may only view the details of such entries.
- On adding or editing Credit, entries were saving as Charges in the grid. Credit entries are now saving correctly.
- Billing Grid
- Deleting an already charged billing entry is now displaying a correct validation message.
- Bills with ‘One Time (Fixed)’ and ‘Attendance Beyond Schedule’ billing period were giving a session time-out error while previewing the bills. Bills now appear correctly on the Billing Draft.
- Bills with ‘By Schedule’ billing period were not charging the correct amount. All billing periods are now working fine.
- Total Bill Count in the Information Summary is now displaying the bills count period-wise.
- Description on the Billing Draft has been modified to enhance user-friendliness.
- On Billing Draft, updating a bill was giving an unexpected error. Bills are now updating fine.
- Next Billing Date (NBD) of By Attendance bills will remain same as their Start Date even after the bills are posted.
- On Billing Draft, on unselecting few bills using the check-box column was posting all the bills. Now, selected bills are only posted.
Report Center
- Balances report was not displaying any data. Also, inactive children with no running balance appeared in the report. The report is now displaying correct data.
- Advanced Filtering was not responding on Staff Payroll and Aging reports. Advanced filtering has now been stabilized for all major reports.
- Sign-in Sheet was displaying all active and inactive children. Now, active children only appear in the Sign-in Sheet.
- Aging Report was displaying negative amounts. Also, inactive children with running balance were not appearing in the report.
- Billing Projection Report was not displaying any data. Now, the data appears fine.
- Payer Name column in Account Statement report was not displaying the name in correct format. Now, the name appears with correct naming convention.
- Subsidy Accounts were not being filtered using Advanced Filtering option. Subsidy Accounts were not appearing in the Payment Listing report also.
- Direct Deposit report was displaying amount in the Next Payment Date column. Now, the data appears in correct format.
- Day Ending Setup on Step-6 now shows only one Flag. Turn it ON to post bills automatically at the day ending.
- Late Pick-up Fee setup was not accepting entries in the input fields. Setup is now working fine and late fees is being charged correctly at the day ending.
Parent Role
- Waiting List has been introduced, parents may wait-list their children online for future enrollments in various Programs and Classes.
Bug Fixes
- User specific reports are only visible to parents.
- Show Voided transactions button on Child Ledger was not displaying the voided transactions. Now, the voided transactions appear correctly.
Teacher Role
- Journal module has been modified. Three tabs have been introduced namely, Activities, Curriculum, and Grades.
Bug Fixes
- No major bug fixes.
iCare Lobby
- No major enhancements.
Bug Fixes:
- Lobby was logging out automatically for a few user accounts. Issue has been resolved, until you go offline or close the lobby, it will remain Open for parents and staff.