How to setup rate-chart based billing in iCare?
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Rate-chart is set up for the childcare centers who have special billing rates based on the conditional factors affecting the calculation of the bills.
Rate-chart Setup page is accessible from Step-6 >> Settings page. Follow these simple instructions to setup your rate-chart,
- Navigate to the Rate-chart Setup page by clicking the rate-chart setup page link from Step-6 >> Settings page.
- Here, click the Instructions for Rate-chart Setup link to expand the instructions menu and read them carefully. Click the + icon to add a new rate name.
- On saving the rate name, factor menu will expand. Select the factors which will be used in the billing process for the rate name and click Apply.
- After selecting the factors, click the factor names to set the factor values and once the factor values are set, click Apply. This will auto-populate the grid and reduce the effort of adding rows in the grid and entering values in each row.
- Once the rate-chart is set, assign these rates to various programs/classes from Program/Class details page. When children are enrolled in these programs, their bills will be calculated as per the conditions set in the rate-chart.