We are using an iPad for the Lobby. How can we prevent parents from going into other apps on the iPad?
Replied by : support@icaresoftware.com
Dear User,
Below are the steps to lock iPad to One App.
Step 1: You can find Guided Access. There are two options. It depend on the iPad version.
Option 1. - Go to Settings > General > Accessibility > Guided Access > On.
Option 2. - Go to Settings > Accessibility > Guided Access > On.
Step 2: Set the Passcode Go to Settings > Accessibility > Guided Access > Pass Code
Step 3: Open up your chosen app and once loaded, triple-click the home button so that the Guided Access screen appears.
Press Start to start Guided Access.
Step 4: If you want to end the Guided Access. Triple-click the home button. It will ask for a passcode. After entering the correct passcode. there will be two options [ End Guided Access or Resume Guided Access], Press End Guided Access to end.
Feel free to contact iCare for more queries.
Thanks and Regards,
Team iCare.