Release note version 6.5.1
Release Note 6.5.1
Journal Enhancements
Easy access to Manage categories - to select rooms and Programs, drag and drop categories, edit, delete add notes to different categories, and create new categories according to the requirements.
- Click on manage categories to manage different categories for note.
- Now you can also drag and drop the categories as per your requirement.
- You can easily add, edit or delete notes for the categories.
- Easy application of state development guidelines.
A simple method for adding curriculums to the Journal note is by using the ‘++” icon on the Journal note section. After selecting the child, you can add curriculums by using this icon.
UI changes on the Incident report. Different drop-down options for Incident report
We are adding a preview email feature under the Journal summary report so teachers can preview and send the journal notes to the parent.
Now admin can also select the time when notes are visible to parents daily. For this, go to settings click on advanced settings, in notifications select the time for journal.