Release Note: (Version - 1.8.0)
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Release Note Version 1.8.0
Admin Role
- Information Summary on Balances page is modified. Active and inactive accounts, and corresponding active and inactive balances now appear in the summary.
- Information Summary on Billing Grid is modified. Total Active Children, Total Bill Count, and Payers fields now appear in the summary. Clicking on the Total Bill Count field will give a count of total bills, period wise..
- Information Summary on Enrollments page is also modified. Total Children Enrolled field has been added to the summary.
- Inline editing is introduced on Transactions page. Date, Site, Description, and Charges/Payments fields are now editable. Simply double-click/tap on a transaction row, edit and hit enter to save.
- Voided Charges are added on Transactions page. Voided charges appear on filtering the grid for Voided Transactions.
- Weekly (By Attendance) billing period is introduced in the accounting module. Set Default Bills for scheduled programs or add bills in the Billing Grid for weekly-attendance-based billing.
- Caution icon is introduced in the Billing Grid. Now, prorated entries (with Start/End/Next Billing Date appearing in middle of the billing period) will have a caution icon. You may click caution icon and manage the prorated billing.
- Run Recurring button (to run recurring payments manually) is replaced in Action menu drop-down on Transactions page.
- Rate chart implementation was successfully carried out. Share you special billing rates (Fee Charts) with us and our support team will help setup your rate charts in the application.
- Design of the Manage Subsidy pop-up in Accounting module is modified. Scroll window is introduced in the pop-up to manage long list of subsidies.
- Report Center now displays user-specific reports. All reports are visible to the admin. Parents and teachers can view their role-specific reports only.
- Performance Optimization was carried out on all major modules. Page loading speed and response time has improved efficiently on Child Profile and Balances page.
- Main contact in the Contact Widget box is now highlighted green in color.
- Design of the Filter drop-down menu in Staff Payroll Report is enhanced.
- Emails from centers now have their center name in the ‘From’ field.
- Session timeout has been increased. Now the warning message appears after 60 minutes of inactivity and the session logs out automatically in another 20 mins.
- iCare support forum has been modified. Now, you may filter the forum for getting started guides, FAQs, and release notes using the newly introduced radio buttons.
- Inline editing is introduced in the Direct Deposits (Recurring payments) report. Starting Date, Next Payment Date, and Amount fields are now editable.
- Email column is introduced in the Manage Sites module.
Bug Fixes:
- Performance optimization was successfully carried out and application is now responding faster.
- Advanced Filter and ‘X’ icons were overlapping in Smart Search box on all pages.
- Delete/Deactivate functionality is now restricted to admin role only.
- Count of the entries in the grid and print preview differed. Now, the count appears same.
- Wrong validation message was appearing on successfully deactivating a child.
- Add Child form was not responding for a few user accounts due to migration issues.
Child Profile Page
- Removing siblings from Child Profile Page was not updating the family data correctly. Now, the data appears fine.
- Users were able to set more than one main contact for a child. Main Contact flag in Contacts tab, if ON, is now disabled. Only the Main Contact tab of a secondary contact can be turned ON and this will disable the flag of the existing main contact.
- Changing the Site ID of a child was not updating on saving.
- Add Staff button on Staff listing page was not responding for a few user accounts due to migration issues.
- Sending message using right-click events was not responding on Staff listing page. Send message is now responding.
- Sorting Status column on Programs/Classes page was giving a fatal error.
- Creating an afternoon program was giving a fatal error due to the bug in ‘Weekend ON/OFF Flag’ on Step 1 (Operational Info) in Settings.
- On Enrollments page, incorrect data was appearing in the Program/Classes [Room] column. Now, the data appears fine.
- On Enrollments page, right-click event on the Program/Class [Room] column was giving a fatal error.
- On Enrollments page, the total count of the entries in the grid was wrong.
- Attendance entries with time overlap were saving in the grid. Overlapping is now restricted.
- Dayending check-out was not updating the Hours and Total Hours columns.
- Data was not filtering according to the range of the selected period. Data is now filtering fine.
- Balances
- Using the ‘Payment’ icon to make a payment on Balances page was giving a fatal error. Payments are now processing fine.
- Data in the Balances page is now sorting according to the payer’s last name.
- On Balances page, incorrect balance was appearing in the grid for a few payer accounts.
- Transactions
- Sorting on Site column was not responding.
- Check payments were not processing successfully.
- Information summary was not matching the data in the grid.
- Negative numbers were appearing in the amount field on the Ledger and Transactions page. Now, all negative amounts appear within parenthesis.
- Billing Grid
- Attendance based billing was not processing for a few user accounts due to bugs in the Day ending process. Now, correct bills are being charged.
- Automatic billing was not processing successfully at day ending. Day ending setup is now correctly configured in the application. Automatic billing will now run accurately.
- Double bills were being charged for a few children who were unenrolled from a Program/Class and enrolled back again.
- Sibling names were appearing in the payment confirmation receipt and the print receipt button was also not responding. These issues have been taken care of.
- Bugs in editing or updating Next Billing Date (NBD) column were fixed.
- Next Billing Date (NBD) was not changing on editing an entry in the Billing Grid.
- Server Time Alert was appearing in the Preview Bill function.
- Enhancements coming soon.
Report Center
- All (active/inactive) children were appearing in the Alumni List. Now, the report shows discharged children only.
- In print preview of Payment Listing report, total and grand total fields were not displaying correctly.
- Current Statement report was displaying the data filtered for today by default. Now, the report displays data for last 30 days by default.
- Print preview of Current Statement report was displaying wrong amount and running balance. Amounts are now appearing correct.
- Weekly Schedule report for both children and staff, was not displaying any data.
- Total Charges/Credits (TCC) report was also not displaying correct data. Report is now working fine.
- Filtering and sorting issues on all report have been taken care of.
Parent Role
- No Major Enhancements
Bug Fixes:
- Parents have to finish the registration process to start using the iCare application. If the registration process is interrupted due to some reason, parents may log in again and finish the process.
- Changing your email address will reflect the changes everywhere and all your communications with iCare with also change accordingly.
- Parents were able to visit all children’s profile pages from the Programs/Classes widget box from their Child’s Profile page. Now, parents may view all enrolled children but can visit their child’s profile pages only.
Teacher Role
- No major enhancements.
Bug Fixes:
- On finishing the registration process teachers are now directed to their profile page by default.
- Duplicate schedules were appearing in the schedule details pop-up using right click events on Staff page.
- Staff without valid email addresses were not able to log in to the iCare lobby. Now, staff may log in to the lobby using the Lobby Passwords (LPs) on their profile page.
- Center Capacity warning was appearing for all teacher logins. All teacher logins are now working fine.
iCare Lobby
- All Lobby Passwords (LPs) to access the iCare Lobby are now unique and lower case-sensitive. LPs are available on children and staff profile pages.
Bug Fixes:
- Wrong validation message was appearing on parent/teacher login screen on entering wrong LPs.
- Secondary contact login was giving an unexpected error. Secondary contacts may now log in to the lobby.
- Changing lobby passwords on Child Profile page was not saving.