Release Note: (Version - 1.4.2)
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Release Note Version – Titan 1.4.2
Admin Role
- New Rate Chart has been introduced in the Sign-up process with a wide range of discounts for users.
- ‘Modify Subscription’ button on ‘My Account’ page has been modified to enhance the User-experience.
- The ‘Journal’ page has also been modified for a better usability.
- ‘Make Payment’ button has been added on the Ledger of Child Profile/Details page.
- Formatting and emailing Reports in the iCare application has been enhanced.
- Schedule a Demo button has been introduced on the iCare website, to help our users contact us and provide their details to schedule a demo of the application with our experts.
Bug Fixes:
- Step 1 in Settings was giving an error if you typed more than 50 characters in Address.
- While signing up of an existing user (say Admin) with another role (Parent/Teacher).
- Refunds are now visible in the Total Charges/Credits Report.
- Input Report Parameter form to access Aging Report has been modified.
- Filtering issues in the Payment Activities Subsidies Report.
- Sorting, filtering, editing, and Active/Inactive Status issues in the Staff Payroll Report.
- Filtering and calculation issues in BPR (Billing Projection Report).
- Filtering, ordering, alignment, and slot division issues in the Slot Availability.
- Round-up / Cut-off Minutes in the Attendance module.
- Display of information summary on the Billing Grid and Child Profile page.
- Design issues in the Add Schedule button on Child Profile page.
- Display of Start and End date of Program/Classes.
- Display of information summary on Program/Classes page.
- Change Email functionality is modified and now you may change email addresses easily.
- Design issues on the Programs/Classes details page.
- Inline editing issues in the Attendance Report have been resolved.
- Design issue in Change Email Confirmation pop-up on Staff Profile page.
- Send Message functionality in the Action button has been modified on all pages.
- Display of records and calculation issues on Transaction page in the Accounting module.
- Filtering and design issues on Transaction page.
- Issues in the display of the Confirmation Receipt on Transactions page.
- Information Summary on Transaction page is now showing correct data.
- Design issue in the Send Message pop-up on Staff Profile page.
- Design issues in using ACH payment method thru Make Payment form.
- Other children (with a different Main contact) appearing in the Select Child drop-down on SPF (Single Payment Form) are not visible anymore.
- Posting of double payment on double click using SPF has been resolved.
- Navigation issues on SPF.
- Display of records on the Billing Grid and Ledger of Child Profile/Details page.
- Design issues on using Delete button thru the Sibling box of Child Profile/Details page.
- Design issues in the Schedule Box on Child Profile/Details page.
- Design issues in using the Add functionality (‘+’ button) in Siblings and Contacts box on Child’s Profile/Details.
- Issues in display of End Date on Dates Confirmation pop-up using Add Schedule button on the Child Profile/Details page.
- Filtering issues on Child Profile/Details page.
- Enrollment / Registration status issues on Child Profile/Details page.
- Custom Scheduling using Add Schedule button on Child Profile/Details page.
- Editing Start/End Date on Child Profile/Details page.
- Filtering issue in the print preview of Reports.
- Display of records (garbage values) in print preview of Reports.
- In the display of data on Balances page (Accounting module).
- Issues in using Accounting and Programs/Classes drop-down on Navigation bar on the Settings page.
- Using Action button, Payment Form, and Make Payment button in the Accounting module on all pages is now more user-friendly.
- Design issues on Confirmation Receipts in the Accounting module.
- Issues with the Swipe Card Reader using iCare’s hosted payment gateway (TransFirst).
- Issues in using TransFirst Payment Processing Service have also been taken care of.
- Scrolling the Age-based Room drop-down on Add Child page.
- Wrong display of warning pop-up in the Capacity Management module.
- Validation issues in the Sign-up form.
- All design issues while editing Input Fields in the iCare application have been resolved.
- Issues in saving details using Add Staff functionality.
- Filtering issues on Children listing page.
- Make Payment button on Children listing page is now working fine.
- Design issues in the confirmation receipt on making Partial Payments.
- Partial Payment button is now working fine on all pages.
- Partial Payment is now possible using Visa and Mastercard.
- Display of payer’s name on changing the Main Contact of a child.
- Issues in adding duplicate child.
- Status column on Staff listing page has been renamed to ‘Is Active’.
- Bugs in the Active Confirmation pop-up on Staff listing page.
- Design issues in the Profile drop-down menu.
- Filters and Search bar design issues on all pages.
- Issues in sending and receiving Reminder, Notification, and Account Expiration emails.
- Running Recurring Payments is now working fine.
- Display of information on My Account page.
- Few issues on migrating users from Legacy to iCare NexGen have been resolved. The development team is continuously working on resolving various migration issues being faced.
Parent Role
- No major enhancements.
Bug Fixes:
- Issues in the display of Getting Started Process were resolved. Now, the Getting Started Process will not be visible to parents.
- Making Partial Payments is now easier and bug free.
- In using the Action button in Accounting module.
- Design and processing issues on SPF (Single Payment Form).
- Issues in using TransFirst Payment Processing Service have been taken care of.
- Design issues in the Profile drop-down menu.
- Editing Start/End Date on Child Profile page.
Teacher Role
- No major enhancements.
Bug Fixes:
- Inaccessibility issues in Staff login.
- Filtering issue in the right-click event on all pages.
- Design issues in the Profile drop-down menu.
iCare Lobby
- No major enhancements.
Bug Fixes:
- Lobby login issues have been resolved.
- Managing passwords in the Lobby login have also been taken care of. Now, users may access iCare Lobby using their unique Lobby Passwords.
- Setup Lobby button is now working fine.
- Checking-in thru Attendance module and checking-out thru Lobby is now possible.
- In Check- In/Out, Undo Check – In/Out, and Lobby Messages were resolved in this release.