Release Note: (Version - 1.4.2)

Posted on: 8/24/2017 4:35:00 AM
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Release Note Version – Titan 1.4.2


Admin Role


  1. New Rate Chart has been introduced in the Sign-up process with a wide range of discounts for users.
  2. ‘Modify Subscription’ button on ‘My Account’ page has been modified to enhance the User-experience.
  3. The ‘Journal’ page has also been modified for a better usability.
  4. ‘Make Payment’ button has been added on the Ledger of Child Profile/Details page.
  5. Formatting and emailing Reports in the iCare application has been enhanced.
  6. Schedule a Demo button has been introduced on the iCare website, to help our users contact us and provide their details to schedule a demo of the application with our experts.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Step 1 in Settings was giving an error if you typed more than 50 characters in Address.
  2. While signing up of an existing user (say Admin) with another role (Parent/Teacher).
  3. Refunds are now visible in the Total Charges/Credits Report.
  4. Input Report Parameter form to access Aging Report has been modified.
  5. Filtering issues in the Payment Activities Subsidies Report.
  6. Sorting, filtering, editing, and Active/Inactive Status issues in the Staff Payroll Report.      
  7. Filtering and calculation issues in BPR (Billing Projection Report).
  8. Filtering, ordering, alignment, and slot division issues in the Slot Availability.
  9. Round-up / Cut-off Minutes in the Attendance module.
  10. Display of information summary on the Billing Grid and Child Profile page.
  11. Design issues in the Add Schedule button on Child Profile page.
  12. Display of Start and End date of Program/Classes.
  13. Display of information summary on Program/Classes page.
  14. Change Email functionality is modified and now you may change email addresses easily.
  15. Design issues on the Programs/Classes details page.
  16. Inline editing issues in the Attendance Report have been resolved.
  17. Design issue in Change Email Confirmation pop-up on Staff Profile page.
  18. Send Message functionality in the Action button has been modified on all pages.
  19. Display of records and calculation issues on Transaction page in the Accounting module.
  20. Filtering and design issues on Transaction page.
  21. Issues in the display of the Confirmation Receipt on Transactions page.
  22. Information Summary on Transaction page is now showing correct data.
  23. Design issue in the Send Message pop-up on Staff Profile page.
  24. Design issues in using ACH payment method thru Make Payment form.
  25. Other children (with a different Main contact) appearing in the Select Child drop-down on SPF (Single Payment Form) are not visible anymore.
  26. Posting of double payment on double click using SPF has been resolved.
  27. Navigation issues on SPF.
  28. Display of records on the Billing Grid and Ledger of Child Profile/Details page.
  29. Design issues on using Delete button thru the Sibling box of Child Profile/Details page.
  30. Design issues in the Schedule Box on Child Profile/Details page.
  31. Design issues in using the Add functionality (‘+’ button) in Siblings and Contacts box on Child’s Profile/Details.
  32. Issues in display of End Date on Dates Confirmation pop-up using Add Schedule button on the Child Profile/Details page.
  33. Filtering issues on Child Profile/Details page.
  34. Enrollment / Registration status issues on Child Profile/Details page.
  35. Custom Scheduling using Add Schedule button on Child Profile/Details page.
  36. Editing Start/End Date on Child Profile/Details page.
  37. Filtering issue in the print preview of Reports.
  38. Display of records (garbage values) in print preview of Reports.
  39. In the display of data on Balances page (Accounting module).
  40. Issues in using Accounting and Programs/Classes drop-down on Navigation bar on the Settings page.
  41. Using Action button, Payment Form, and Make Payment button in the Accounting module on all pages is now more user-friendly.
  42. Design issues on Confirmation Receipts in the Accounting module.
  43. Issues with the Swipe Card Reader using iCare’s hosted payment gateway (TransFirst).
  44. Issues in using TransFirst Payment Processing Service have also been taken care of.
  45. Scrolling the Age-based Room drop-down on Add Child page.
  46. Wrong display of warning pop-up in the Capacity Management module.
  47. Validation issues in the Sign-up form.
  48. All design issues while editing Input Fields in the iCare application have been resolved.
  49. Issues in saving details using Add Staff functionality.
  50. Filtering issues on Children listing page.
  51. Make Payment button on Children listing page is now working fine.
  52. Design issues in the confirmation receipt on making Partial Payments.
  53. Partial Payment button is now working fine on all pages.
  54. Partial Payment is now possible using Visa and Mastercard.
  55. Display of payer’s name on changing the Main Contact of a child.
  56. Issues in adding duplicate child.
  57. Status column on Staff listing page has been renamed to ‘Is Active’.
  58. Bugs in the Active Confirmation pop-up on Staff listing page.
  59. Design issues in the Profile drop-down menu.
  60. Filters and Search bar design issues on all pages.
  61. Issues in sending and receiving Reminder, Notification, and Account Expiration emails.
  62. Running Recurring Payments is now working fine.
  63. Display of information on My Account page.
  64. Few issues on migrating users from Legacy to iCare NexGen have been resolved. The development team is continuously working on resolving various migration issues being faced.


Parent Role


  1. No major enhancements.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Issues in the display of Getting Started Process were resolved. Now, the Getting Started Process will not be visible to parents.
  2. Making Partial Payments is now easier and bug free.
  3. In using the Action button in Accounting module.
  4. Design and processing issues on SPF (Single Payment Form).
  5. Issues in using TransFirst Payment Processing Service have been taken care of.
  6. Design issues in the Profile drop-down menu.
  7. Editing Start/End Date on Child Profile page.


Teacher Role


  1. No major enhancements.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Inaccessibility issues in Staff login.
  2. Filtering issue in the right-click event on all pages.
  3. Design issues in the Profile drop-down menu.


iCare Lobby


  1. No major enhancements.

Bug Fixes:

  1. Lobby login issues have been resolved.
  2. Managing passwords in the Lobby login have also been taken care of. Now, users may access iCare Lobby using their unique Lobby Passwords.
  3. Setup Lobby button is now working fine.
  4. Checking-in thru Attendance module and checking-out thru Lobby is now possible.
  5. In Check- In/Out, Undo Check – In/Out, and Lobby Messages were resolved in this release.


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