We are a 24-hours operating center. How does the Attendance work in such case?

Posted on: 3/2/2019 2:38:00 AM
Replied by : support@icaresoftware.com

24-hours operational centers can use iCare attendance tracking system to mark attendance for a period of 24-hours.

To use 24-hours operations feature, turn on the 24-Hours Operation flag from Step-1 >> Settings. Attendance can be entered from Attendance and Lobby pages.


Now, navigate to the attendance page and follow these simple instructions.

  1. Mark an attendance. Entering a check-out within the range of 24-hours from the check-in time will mark a 24-hours attendance. As shown in below snip.

  1. Attendance that is not checked out from previous day will be visible in Today’s filter with a warning icon next to the In time field. On checking out the previous day entries, they disappear from Today’s filter and appear in the filtered list for Yesterday.

  1. To mark attendance for absentees for a particular day. Click the Children/Staff filter, select Did Not Attend option from the Status drop-down, click Apply, and select the date. List of all absentees will appear on your screen. Mark children attendance as needed.


  1. Attendance entries not checked-out from the previous day are visible on the Lobby page (for parent/staff logins) for a period of 24-hours from the check-in time and can be checked-out till then.

  1. After 24-hours from the check-in time, attendance entries can be edited from the Attendance page by a staff or admin.

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