Release Note: (Version - 1.7.0)
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Release Note - Version : 1.7.0
Admin Role
- Help Menu has been introduced in the Universal Toolbar. You may now view the Demo/Walk-thru, Getting Started Guides, FAQs, Quick Tips and the Support Forum of iCare Application using the Help Menu.
- A button to visit Report Center has also been added in the Universal Toolbar.
- Billing Grid under Accounting module has been modified. Preview Bill functionality has been added, using which you may bill manually and preview the charges before posting them.
- Rate charts have been introduced. Now, you may provide your Rate Charts (Fee Charts) to our support team and we will review and advise you on how to handle them in iCare Application.
- Import Feature has been modified for better usability and user experience. All field that are left blank in data import sheets, will be filled as Not-specified in the data grids. You will have options to rectify the non-specified fields by clicking a caution mark that appears in the incomplete fields and following the instructions.
- Duplicate data protection has been introduced. Users cannot not add duplicate entries in any of the grids or reports. And in case of Data Import, if there is a duplicate entry in the application a caution mark will appear in the details row of the grid.
- You may not perform any actions (such as billing, scheduling, or checking - in/out) on a child whose Main Contact is not set.
- To remove Secondary Contacts, a new pop-up window is introduced. On clicking the Remove button in Contact box, you will have two options to either remove the contact from all siblings or remove the contact from the selected child. Select appropriate options and proceed.
- Few more modifications have been introduced in Journal module. Dropdown list of Previous Notes has been enhanced. Assessment dropdown is replaced on the screen and you may now post a note without adding an Assessment Type also. Multiple time selection is now possible.
- ‘Change Logo’ button has been introduced in Step-1 of Settings. You may set your own logo for the application. And, once the new logo has been added, all the emails, payment receipts, and invitations sent to parents or teachers will have your logo.
- Deleted children can be viewed from the Global Search Box. When you click on a child’s name from the drop-down list, an activation pop-up will appear on your screen. Perform the specified actions to reactivate the child.
- Billing Rates report has been introduced. You may now view various preset rate charts of your center using this report.
- Children/Staff Filter button on Attendance page has been modified. You may now filter children/staff for specific Rooms, Programs / Classes, or Status.
- Responsiveness of the application in adding Children/Staff, creating Programs/Classes, and other areas of application has been enhanced.
- Date column in Settings of the Total Charges/Credits Report (TCC) has been added.
- Schedule count bubbles for Current, Future, and Past Schedules on Child’s Details page have been introduced. Number of schedules in the Current/Past/Future schedule tab will appear in these bubbles.
- A filter button has been added to the Staff Payroll Report. You may now filter the report for Daily and Weekly Over-time.
- A new confirmation pop-up window has been introduced for assigning a new contact as Main Contact of the selected child.
- Advanced Filtering options have been introduced. Now, you may filter the reports in iCare application by creating your own queries, rules and conditions.
- Send email functionality has been modified. An editor and a Subject box are added in the send message pop-up window.
Bug Fixes:
- In the Photos module, there was a device compatibility issue in using the Camera Icon.
- Few input fields on the Sign-up form were not accepting all types of valid characters. Fields are accepting all characters now.
- Selecting the ‘Make Payment’ button without selecting any row was not popping up the correct warning message. Correct message is displaying now.
- Subscription Charges and Discounts for the Go Live (Non-profit) subscription plan were displaying wrong calculated values and has been rectified.
- Session timeout issues have been resolved. Now the session timeout warning appears after 30 minutes of inactivity and the session times out in another 20 minutes.
- Payment Processing Account setup in Step-6 of Settings is now saving the Gateway IDs, and Keys properly.
- Make Payment button is now working fine. You may now add cards, ACH accounts and set recurring payments.
- In the Right-click events on Balances page. You may now view current balance, apply filters, and send messages.
- Processing bar on Transactions page, that appears when an action is being performed in the background, has been aligned properly.
- Posted charges were appearing with Site ID – 0, on Balances page. Now, the charges are appearing with correct Site IDs.
- Transactions are now posting with correct Site IDs on Transactions page also.
- Pop-up messages on successful addition of charges, on Balances page, were overlapping and are appearing correctly.
- Now schedule-specific Programs and Classes are only visible on using the ‘Add Schedule’ button on Child Profile page.
- A confirmation pop-up has been added for deleting Journal entries.
- Sorting on Transactions page is now working fine.
- Pagination of the grid on Transactions page under Accounting section is now filtering the data correctly.
- ‘Add Staff’ button on Staff listing page is now assessible and working fine.
- In Aging Report, selecting a period is now mandatory. The error that was appearing on not selecting an Aging Period is now resolved.
- Adding schedules for children is now dependent on Start and End Dates of both Child’s and Program/Class Start/End Dates. Start/End Dates that are less than the other, are set as the Start and End dates of child’s schedule.
- Inactive/Discharged children cannot be checked-in/out, scheduled, or billed. Admin has to activate the inactive/discharged children to access their details using the Global Search Box.
- Site IDs were not appearing in the Site selection drop-down of ‘Add Staff’ form and are now appearing fine.
- Design issues in the Getting Started module have been resolved.
- All the design issues on the Program/Class details page have also been resolved.
- Wrong validation message appearing on making a successful payment using the ‘Make Payment’ button on Balances, Ledger, and Transactions pages has been removed.
- Changes in the ‘See Details’ button on Billing Grid of a Child’s Profile page were not reflecting in the main Billing Grid. Calendar was also giving an undefined error.
- Coloring of the grid on the Ledger of Child Profile page are visible again.
- ‘Run Recurring’ button on Transactions page is now disabled and can only be enabled by setting a recurring payment from Direct Deposits section of the ‘Make Payment’ form.
- Viewing Child Ledger and Billing Grid by right-clicking on child’s name was giving an undefined transactions row if no transactions were posted. The design has been improved.
- Print Preview button on the Transactions page was giving a fatal error. Preview is now working fine.
- Print preview button on the Balances page was also giving an error and is now working fine.
- Balances report in the Report Center was not pulling any data.
- Self-registration script on Step-4 of Settings was not redirecting to the registration form. It is now redirecting to the correct place.
- Design issues in Manage Subsidies pop-up while using Split functionality on Billing Grid in the Accounting module were fixed.
- On editing a row, the Attendance page was refreshing and moving the edited row at the top of the page. Now, on editing the row it remains at the same position as before.
- Calendar design issues in the Discharge Confirmation pop-up on the Staff listing page are resolved.
- Making Offline Accounts go Online from our end had a small bug that has been taken care of.
- Design glitches in Payment Method section of the Make Payment form have been taken care of.
- Calendar in the Discharge Confirmation form on Children listing page was changing to default date when clicked twice. Now, it is appearing fine.
- Print button on Children listing page was giving a fatal error. Now, the report is generating correct data.
- On Program/Class details page, editing and selecting all Sites under Room details had design issues. Now, large number of Sites are also aligned.
- Adding new Programs/Classes was giving a fatal error and has been taken care of.
- Confirmation emails on manually adding children using the Add Child button were not forwarding. Now, emails are going fine.
- All filtering issues on Attendance page have been resolved.
- Calendar view in the Schedules section of Child Profile page was not displaying any data. Now, the schedule timings are appearing correct.
- Refreshing the Billing Grid with a searched keyword was refreshing the page and the keyword was disappearing from the search box. Now, on refreshing the page searched keyword will remain in the search box with the filtered data.
- Discount field on the Billing Grid was not editable. Now, you may edit the field by simply double clicking the billing row.
- Changing the Start/End Date of a billing entry in the Billing Grid was giving a fatal error and has been resolved.
- Auto-refreshing issue on Child Profile page has been taken care of.
- Add New button on Programs/Classes page was giving a fatal error. The button is now working fine.
- Visiting the profile page of few Staffs was giving a fatal error and has been resolved.
- Calendar View on the Staff Profile page is now displaying correct schedule timings.
- Add Schedule button on Child Profile page was not displaying future Programs and Classes. Now, the future Programs and Classes are also appearing in the drop-down.
- Now, the Billing Grid under Accounting section will have only those billing entries whose End/Discharge Date is greater than present date.
- Using ‘Send Email’ functionality from Action button is now forwarding the emails and not logging the users out of the application.
- The image icon on the Enrollments page was missing and has been added again.
- Adding a Custom Schedule on Staff Profile page was displaying undefined error in the End Date field of the Calendar. Calendar is now working fine.
- Duplicate attendance entries were appearing on the Attendance page and have been removed.
- Filtering data on the Billing Grid using Right-click options is now filtering correct data.
- Few family records were showing duplicate contact entries. All duplicate entries have been removed and now users cannot enter duplicate data in the application.
- Print button on the Attendance page was giving a fatal error.
- Analytics button on Attendance page was also giving an error and has been taken care of.
- Adding another Program/Class after adding one was redirecting the users to the pre-filled form with the details of previously created P/Cs. Now, the form refreshes on adding another Program/Class.
- Few Reports in the Report Center are under development and unclickable.
Parent Role
- No major enhancements.
Bug Fixes:
- No data was appearing on any grid. Now, the data is appearing fine.
- Global Search Box has been modified. Now parents may see details of their child specific data only using the search box.
- Parents were able to see other children on their Children listing page. Now, children linked with the parents are only visible in the Children list.
- Scroll buttons on the Child Profile page are now displaying only those children that are linked to the logged in Parent.
- Future Programs/Classes are now appearing on Programs/Classes listing page.
Teacher Role
- Lobby Passwords are now available on the Staff Profile page. You may change your Lobby Password.
- No major enhancements.
Bug Fixes:
- Teachers were not able to log in to their accounts for the first time after signing up.
- All scheduled Programs and Classes are now visible on Staff Profile and Programs/Classes details pages.
- The Program/Class details page was giving an unexpected error message and has been resolved.
- Site IDs are now visible in the Site ID drop-down on Staff Profile page.
- Room specific Programs are only visible in the Add Schedule menu on Staff Profile page.
- Children Grid was displaying children only based to their Site IDs. Now, children are visible in the grid based to their Site ID and specified Rooms.
- ‘Remind Payer’ and ‘View all Transactions’ buttons have been removed from the SPF (Single Payment Form).
- Teacher may now edit the Start/End Date of their schedules.
- Session logout issue during the self-registration process is resolved.
- After the self-registration process, a wrong confirmation pop-up was appearing on the screen. Now, teachers will be redirected to their profile page on finishing the registration.
- Teachers were able to change the ‘Can Pick-Up’ status of contacts of children from Child Profile page. Teachers are now restricted from performing this action.
- Teachers will not be able to remove children’s schedules.
- Teachers cannot change children and contact images from the Child Profile page anymore.
- Undo Check-out was not resetting the Hours column to 0. The issue has been resolved.
- Staff who are also Admin of the iCare application were not able to see their own profiles. All profiles are now accessible.
iCare Lobby
- Lobby Password has been enhanced. Now, parents and teachers can access the lobby either using their application password or the lobby password available on their profile pages.
- You may edit the Lobby Password and choose a unique password to access the lobby.
Bug Fixes:
- Some users were not able to log in to the iCare lobby using their lobby passwords. The issue has been resolved.
- Login interface issues have also been resolved.
- Wrong validation message for incorrect lobby login passwords for Parent/Staff login has been corrected.