How to enter absence for a child?

Posted on: 12/18/2023 7:47:17 AM
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Absence means marking absent for current and future dates. It can be marked by admin and parent.

1. Admin can mark absence by following steps:

a) Go to the attendance page, Select the child for whom attendance is to be marked.

b) Click on action tab, select enter absence.

c) Select the dates of absence, type of absence, enter remarks and save.

d) If the child is absent for a particular program/class, follow the above steps and after saving absence delete the absence in the grid below for the program/class that child will attend.


a) Go to the Child Profile page, click on the schedules tab.

b) Click on the timer icon on right side of the screen for entering absence.

c) Select the dates of absence, type of absence, enter remarks and save.

d) If the child is absent for a particular program/class, follow the above steps and after saving absence delete the absence in the grid below for the program/class that child will attend.



2.Steps for Parents to Mark an Absence:

a) Go to the Child Profile page, click on the schedules tab.

b) Click on the timer icon on right side of the screen for entering absence.

c) Select the dates of absence, type of absence, enter remarks and save.

d) If the child is absent for a particular program/class, follow the above steps and after saving absence delete the absence in the grid below for the program/class that child will attend.


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