In staff payroll printouts it is splitting staff to 3-year financial aid and not specified yet in their profile they are non-specified.
Replied by :
Attendance report is grouped by Programs/Classes (P/Cs) for the printer (crystal) view.
23 attendance entries for following 10 staffs were marked for 3 Year Financial Aid program;
- Christine Clark
- Rory DiLouie
- Jeanne Green
- Marisa Guajardo
- Stacy Lane
- Beth McCormick
- Shirley Osborne
- Margaret Piner
- Stephanie Walls
- Teresa Wicecarver
All other staff attendance entries are marked for ‘Not-specified’, ‘Custom Schedule’,’3 Year PT3’,’4 Year FT2’ (P/Cs), and thus, for the staff payroll the report is splitting up on the basis of the P/C for which the attendance is marked.
Our technical support team was not able to find any issue with this. We request you to please let us know, if there is anything we can do to help you out.
Thank you,
iCare Support