We offer over several main programs [Toddler Program, Pre-K, and Afterschool, Camp] each of these top level programs offers multiple options. For example the Toddler Program has a 2 day, 3 day, 5 day option, each with Toddler based enrichments as add ons. If Parents are registering their children via the parent portal, will they have to scroll through 100+ programs to find the correct one or does the system allow expandable menus ie. first selecting a top level program category to then see the list of related programs within?

Posted on: 2/12/2019 2:30:12 PM
Replied by : support@icaresoftware.com

Yes, a center can have hundreds of programs but only a few are likely to be fitting a child ' enrollment process. Only the fitting programs will show when you try to enroll a child. Programs/Classes in the enrollment process are filtered according to the following conditions,

  1. Rooms: Programs created under the same room as  the room assigned to the child will only appear in the list.
  2. Age: Other programs which are in the same age range (rooms) as of the child's age range will also appear in the list.
  3. Site: Programs from the same site as of the child's will appear in the list.
  4. Classes: all classes appear in the list. Since, classes can have children from any age group all classes appear in the enrollment lists.

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